Once upon a time, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati were strolling in the forests of the Himalayas. Goddess Parvati asked Lord Shiva, “There are innumerable dasha systems in astrology, but in the Kaliyuga, which dasha would tell us in a flash the results of a person’s Karma?”

Lord Shiva said, “It is the Yogini dasha.” And thus Lord Shiva revealed this dasha to Goddess Parvati. In the Kaliyuga, after careful examination of this dasha on a chart, the results do not go wrong. By knowing the mere name of the Yogini operating for a person, the things happening in the life of that person during the period of Yogini can be known.

According the Rudrayamal, the Yogini dasha gives excellent results in Kaliyuga :

The dashas mentioned by various ancient masters were excellent for the three yugas – Satyayuga, Tretayuga and Dwaparayuga – but for Kaliyuga, dasha calculation based on Yogini dasha is great for giving all types of results.

The conditions of applicability of three dashas – Vimshottari, Ashtottari and Yogini –are as below:

  • Vimshottari dasha should be applied for the births at night during Shukla Paksha 
  • Ashtottari dasha for births during day in Krishna Paksha. 
  • In all other cases Yogini dasha gives results.

Main points to remember:

  1. It is generally observed that Yogini dasha, like Vimshottari dasha, gives results even if applied unconditionally.
  2. Total Period of 1 cycle of Yogini Dasha System is of 36 Years. 
  3. There are 8 mainYogini’s carrying divine energies.
  4. Compared to Vimshottari Dasha having 120 years in 1 cycle, Yogini is more condensed and gives timing of shorter duration.
  5. Small errors in the longitude of Moon will not make much difference.
  6. Yogini Dasha is a planetary dasha and is based on the Nakshatra occupied by Moon in the birth chart, as in case of Vimshottari Dasha.

Mainly there are 8 Yoginis and all of them are endowed with supernatural powers and Tantra Vidya.

  1. Sura-Sundari Yogini
  2. Manohara Yogini
  3. Kanakavati Yogini
  4. Kameshwari Yogini
  5. Rati Sundari Yogini
  6. Padmini Yogini
  7. Natini Yogini
  8. Madhumati Yogini

There are – 4 major temples of 64 yoginis in India. 2 – Orrisa, 2 – MP, Ikanteshwar Mahadev temple – Village Panchayat in Mitawali in Thana Rithorakalan or Morena district, Khajuraho.

Calculation of Yogini Dasha

Note down the nakshatra number of the Moon, taking Ashwini as nakshatra number 1. Add 3 to it. Divide by 8. The remainder represents the Yogini dasha operative at the time of birth. It should be restricted to whole numbers and remainder be noted down.

Dasha at Birth = (Moon’s nakshatra + 3) / 8

If the remainder is 1 the dasha operative at the time of birth is Mangala, if 2, Pingla, and so on.

8 or 0

Yogini Dasha operating at the time of birth

Suppose a person is born when the Moon was at 7s10°0′ (Scorpio 10 degrees). To calculate Yogini dasha operative at the time of birth, note down the nakshatra of the Moon which is Anuradha, nakshatra number 17. To this figure add 3. The result is 20. Now divide by 8. The quotient is 2 and the remainder is 4.

Dasha at Birth = (Nak # of Moon + 3) / 8 = (17+3)/8 = 20/8
Quotient = 2, Remainer = 4
Remainer 4 indicates that Bhramari dasha was running at the time of birth.

Using the Yogini Dasha – One Dasha Many Mysteries.

Every Nakshatra corresponds to a Yogini at the birth time and this has a very important significance. The example later in the article will help you get the idea. Hold on till then.

Also, another important snapshot of using Yogini Dasha is, If the name of a person starts with the Initials of the Birth Nakshatra Pada, it can tell you what is the Birth Nakshatra of the native – and also the Yogini Dasha the person was born with, and thus the important years in the life of the native. 😊. Alas, nowadays, this naming convention is not followed profoundly, however, this comes in handy in a lot of ways !!!

Nevertheless, to make your life easy, I am providing a table which you can refer to. For Dasha and Sub Dasha periods – Use the reputed software in the market to make your life easy. Let’s focus on the concept and usage here.

S.NoNakshatraLordYogini Dasha NameStarting Name letters
Pada 1Pada 2Pada 3Pada 4

Now let’s look at how to use this dasha:

Below is a table in which I have organized the Dasha constituents and characteristics in a chronological manner. This will help you eliminate confusion:

Dasha Sequence No.Yogini Dasha NameDasha LordDasha Length (in Years)Corresponding NakshatraProbable themes of Dasha depending on the chart combosCondition
1MangalaMoon1Ardra, Chitra, ShravanProblems with real estate, worry about siblings, emotional distress, unfavorable news, loss, humiliation, illness – will be pacified, and will get Progress, Happiness, WealthThe person becomes angry. Many types of crises. Economic and property loss. Person gets confused.
Travel related issues, pain, company losses, debts. 
2PingalaSun2Punarvasu, Swati, Dhanishta Has to overcome difficult hurdles to get what he/she wants. The Key here is Mars.Only after sacrifice of self.
3DhnayaJupiter3Pushya, Vishaka, Shatabhishak Immense wealth and food. Victory relating to topics of the state.Depending on major past life karmas
4BhramariMars4Ashwini, Ashlesha, Anuradha, Purva Bhadrapada Has to work hard during this dasha. There is a rush in life, sickness in work, Many types of crises. 
Irritated due to afflictions, defamation, fear from enemies, debt, disease, legal dispute, family issues, problems of tongue, head, legs etc.
The human Psyche plays the most important role here.
5BhadrikaMercury5Bharani, Magha, Jyeshtha, Uttara Bhadrapada Auspicious results of good deeds are obtained. Enemies Vanquished, Obstacles of life eliminated. Rewarded with money, property, Government / Seniors supportOnly after he/she fixes his / her ego.
6UklaSaturn6Kritika, Poorva Phalguni, Moola, Revati Surrounded by troubles from all sides. Terrorizes by problems in money, power, business, and family. Has to pay for the Karma and go through the process diligently.
7SiddhaVenus7Rohini, Uttaraphalguni, Poorv Ashada Native is blessed with wealth, material happiness, love etc. No dearth of happiness. Boost in intelligence, wealth, commercial properties, wedding / auspicious functions etc.Only after he /she develops trust in the higher force.
8SankataRahu8Mrigashirsha, Hasta, Uttara ashada Surrounded by troubles from all sides. Terrorizes by problems in money, power, business, family. Will test your Highs and Lows for the Next Dasha of Siddha (where you will find Completion – Note this is the intricate point of the next dasha cycle of 36 years)

Below is an example chart where you can see how the Yogini Dasha can tell you things in a jiffy 😊 :

The Native is born in Mangala as per Birth Nakshatra Chitra –

So, the Major basis of life theme will be according to the Placement of Mars (amongst other important comobs). Note – The condition is that he / she has to overcome difficult hurdles to get what he / she wants. The Key here is Mars. And Mars is seated in Ascendant, aspecting the 4th 7th and 8th House too.

If you look at the horoscope native has all the Mars-related issues, and has to regularly sacrifice self for In-Laws, Mother, Longing for property, Inheritance issues, and Issues with brother. Also – Sun / Ven / Moon issues – No fatherly love (Father passed away), Accumulation of money, Health and peace. However, the Native is very determined and never afraid to take on challenges, which, is the major force that has changed her life.

This is the life theme, that native has to go through and sort out, till the person starts building faith in higher knowledge.

From the 20th Year (2001) -The Dasha of Siddha was running – New lord Jupiter. Jupiter is Retro with Retro Sat in the 7th House. The Condition is, that if the native shows complete faith, and acceptance in the higher power, and takes the leap of faith, he/she will get what is desired and become complete. You become complete from the house opposite to you (BHPS). That means this will happen in the 1st House (Look at the Sign and Planets there).

In the 20th Year – the Native went on a Pilgrimage, which was an eye opener for the native, and then took a life-changing decision of being independent (12 sign in 1H). Which led to higher studies as a necessity in the 22nd year. Became obsessed with succeeding in it and finding higher roles for the job. Post that life changed, however, the life theme still remains the same. 

As dashas have changed, native has grown and is now following occult sciences along with the job, post which peace has started to come in life.

Note – For Chitra Nakshatra natives the 20th Year is a very prominent year in life amongst others. Here I have given you an example of how the Yogini Dasha also pinpoints and coincides with Nakshatra’s prominent years. 😊

So, you can combine Yogini Dasha with Nakshatra Name, Nakshatra prominent years, and overall results (use it alone).

It is advisable to not mix Vimshottari dasha with Yogini dasha – Check D1, D3, D10.

There are deeper things about Yogini Dasha (as to where will it impact exactly and when), which can’t be written in an article due to the paucity of time and space.

Food for thought: 

What do you do after the dasha cycle of 36 years is completed? Do you start counting from the Ashwini cycle again?

Hint: You can’t change the Dasha sequence of Mangala, Pingala, Dhanya, Bhramari, Bhadrika, Ulka, Siddha, Sankata.

Try it out and send in your thoughts. 😊

Thank you. Happy Learning.

